Sunday, November 2, 2008

Schrock Update

Hello all! I thought I would take a few minutes to offer a quick update on everyone in this household, so here it goes...

Micheala - Micheala is doing fine. She is up and down on whether or not she likes preschool, but she goes and seems to being doing well. She dressed up as Sharpay from High School Musical for Halloween and got lots of candy. Her and the dog have a love/hate relationship; she loves the dog and the dog hates her. Although Mika has not gotten agressive towards Micheala, Mika does not like the constant smothering that Micheala often times inflicts. Her progression in regards to her surgery seems to be going as planned, although we had to cancel her last appointment due to a scheduling conflict. Micheala is showing strong personality traits that resemble mine, which absolutly drives Heather crazy. i enjoy it, but at the same time can see why Heather gets pissed at me. She is enjoying dance class and really has taken to cheerleading, and yes she cheers for the Stormin' Pointers!

Dylanne - Dylanne is going through some tough times in her life. She is starting to experience "clicks" at school and amongst her friends and is learning a tough lesson in having manners and treating people with respect. I am doing everything that I can to teach her that being nice to everyone makes it difficult for people to ignore or reject you. She is very concerned everyday with what she wears to school and what others will think of her. Since our house seems to be the "after school hangout" for all the neighborhood kids, I have started timing out all of the neighborhood kids for foul play. I sat all of the kids down one day and explained to them that this was a house in which no arguing or fighting occurs and explained to them what would happen if it did. last Thursday I had everyone in the neighborhood sitting in opposite corners of the house for arguing. They were all pissed and some wanted to go home before finishing their time outs, but I would not allow that option. So far it has worked and I've heard no complaints from the other kids parents. It's about respect for each other and not driving me fucking crazy by telling on each other every five minutes. Back to Dylanne. I am so prooud of her progress in school. She is learning to read and how to spell. She is a busy girl, being involved in dance and girl scouts.

Heather - Busy with work! She has recently found out that she has arthritus in her back and it causes her pain throughout the evening. She is still plucking away at grad school and really has to manage her time between work, school and the kids. Today, she went to Iowa City for a Veterans dinner honoring her mother and said that it was a good time, but difficult. She recently turned 31, and turned away two tickets to the Jewel concert, as her family was in town. I guess I'm not real good at getting presents, oh well. Heather likes to spend her minimal free time hanging out with one of her new friends, Denise Harris. they are two peas in a pod and enjoy riding their husbands asses. She is still involved in helping raise awareness for cancer research as it has hit too close to home too many times. She has a conference in which she is to speak in Minneapolis later next week. She is nervous as it will live on the internet. She also has another trip to Washington DC coming up soon for her work. Like I said, she is busy and I hardly get to see her.

As for me.....I guess I just do what I do. Recently, my work had to lay off two of our workers. I am not one of them, but feel their pain as it effects all of us schedule wise. I am happy to still have a job, don't get me wrong, hopefully we can get a permenant home soon so our workers can come back and we can serve the youth that need our help in a more effective manner. I'm living and dying with the Hawkeyes. I cheer and I cry. I can't explain why it effects me so much, but it does. Like I tell everyone, there is nothing better than spending Saturday afternoon with 74,000 of your friends. I really enjoy tailgating with all of my family and friends and hope that I can share this with my girls someday. The New York Giants are kicking ass, need I say more? Tonight I worked on a school project with Dylanne and stopped to realize that it seems like just yesterday I was feeding her oatmeal in her high chair. My girls are growing up fast and it just amazes me. Where has time gone?

That's us in a quick summary. I'm excited because it's almost time to go ice fishing!

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