Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Passing Time to Forget My Pain

What started as a sinus infection, soon became my worst nightmare. On Saturday, I started having some pain in my sinuses, so I got some meds to fight off the sinus infection. Once the sinus infection was gone, I still had some pain in my jaw, so I went to the dentist. Turns out I had a couple fillings that were out and some teeth that needed repair. So I had to get one of my wisdom teeth pulled and had a decision to have another tooth root canaled or pulled. I chose to have that tooth pulled as well because the root canal was quite a bit more expensive than to just have it pulled. So with a world of pain in my mouth, I am spending most of my day resting, due to pain medication and the rest of the day trying to find things to do to take my mind off the fact that my mouth hurts like hell. So I decided to make a Hawkeye Football helmet for my neighbor boy, Dylanne Harris. I used cardboard, crayons and black paint. I thought it turned out pretty good and it beats buying one of those "Fathead" things in the store (which go for about $100). Here are some pictures of the finished product.

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