Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Schrock House Family Day

Today, after I got off of work, we decided to take some of our tax return money and have a "family day". Since the girls are such a big write off, we decided to take them to do something special. We decided to take a trip to Coral Ridge Mall in Coralville and visit Build-a-Bear. The girls were real excited and had a good time. From there, we shopped a bit, the girls bought clothes at Old Navy and then we enjoyed some Pizza Hut for dinner. As an added bonus, I bought the girls the High School Musical 2 soundtrack and they love it as much as the movie.

Above are the new additions to the orphanage of babies/dolls/stuffed animals the girls already own. On the left is Dylanne's bear, Hannah. Hannah is named after Hannah Montana, one of Dylanne's idols. Notice the Hannah Montana shirt and skirt. She also has the guitar purse and much needed cell phone. The blond wig is a little over the top, but it's what Dylanne wanted. On the right is Mylee, Micheala's new leopard. She is named after Mylie Cyrus, the other Hannah Montana character. I won't bore you with the explanation of the Hannah Montana show. Mylee has a brown wig and an all pink outfit. Heather and I both laughed at the fact that Micheala wanted her leopard to have pink crocs, because that's all Micheala wears on her feet in the summer. As expected, we spent a few dollars to say the least and a lot of time waiting, as it was packed in the store, it was all worth it and the girls worked hard today to earn their new special friends.

This is picture is actually try number 3. I was trying to get a picture of Heather and I and she kept looking away or blinking. Finally we got the shot. If we both look exhausted it's because we just spent the day in the mall with a 2 and 4 year old.

Random shots of the girls. I love taking pictures of these two goof balls. It's amazing how quickly your kids grow up. I still remember Dylanne being a baby like it was yesterday.

Finally, sisterly love, in what is often times, hard to come by. Micheala is progressing in the potty training aspect of her life. She still won't drop the deuce in the toilet, but is now at least peeing. Dylanne is coming right along educationally. We had parent teacher conferences last week and her teacher told us she is ready for kindergarten. She also said she is amazed by Dylanne's ability to rhyme. I seriously don't know how to comment on that. Peace, Love and the Iowa Hawkeyes - The Schrocks


Sarah Brecht said...

What a good DAddy! I am really impressed with your blog! Looks like you all had a super day :)

jenni said...

That is so funny, we had just been to build a bear the week before!! Jaden also loved it. Isn't that mall great?? Lots to do!!