Friday, December 19, 2008

Two Dimes

Here's a story I would like to share with all of my family and friends. It is about legendary Green Bay packer Quarterback, Bart Starr and his family.

Bart Starr had a method in which motivated his boys to do well in school. He would reward the boys with two dimes every time they brought home superb reports from school. Bart would also tell the boys how proud of them that he was and the boys just ate it up. Bart simply just wanted the boys to always do there best and strive for excellence. One particular weekend, Bart was in St. Louis playing a game, and even though the Packers won the game, Bart had a pretty rough game. He was very disappointed in his play on the field and didn't think that he played to the best of his abilities. After a long trip, Bart returned home late Sunday evening, absolutely worn out both mentally and physically. He put his things down at the door and finally made his way to bed. He just wanted to sleep off his disappointing performance and start fresh in the morning. As he made his way to bed he noticed a note on his pillow. It was from his youngest boy and read, “Dad, we thought you played great” and taped to the note were two dimes.

I read this story and I think about all of you reading this post. I think about how much I appreciate each and everyone of you for the roles that you've played in my life. I also realized that I often times don't thank all of you enough for just being such great people. You have always been there to pick me up when I was down and congratulate me when I was on top of the world. So in the spirit of the legendary quarterback, Bart Starr, I give all of you two dimes, in hopes that you can look at this post when your feeling down and know that you are appreciated and loved.


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