Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Just Breathe Micheala

As some of you may already know, Micheala is at it again. A week ago, Micheala was playing downstairs and stopped breathing for a brief moment. Her lips were purple and face was turning colors. Heather grabbed Micheala instantly and Micheala snapped out of it and started breathing again. So that night, Heather had Micheala sleep with her, and she stopped breathing in the middle of the night. Once again, she snapped out of it instantly. Scared and upset, Heather took Micheala to the doctor.

This is the same stuff that went on when she was little. We spent numerous hours at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester and at the University of Iowa only to get no definite answers. Micheala stopped having these episodes, so we thought it was something that just "fixed itself".

Micheala now connected to a monitor everytime she sleeps to measure her heart rate and breathing. The alarm has gone off a couple times, and other nights it's been quiet. She has an MRI set up for sometime in July and the doctors are talking about removing her abnormally large tonsils and adenoids. I guess we'll see what happens.


Sarah Brecht said...

My goodness! That is so crazy! We'll definitely pray for answers!

jenni said...

that would be so scary, I hope you are able to find something out with some testing. Very scary!!