Monday, June 16, 2008

Out of work and bored!

My place of work, Linn County Youth Shelter, was recently flooded causing us to shut down. We are located at 10th Street NW in Cedar Rapids and were forced to evacuate last Wednesday. Our clients were shipped off to other shelters in the state and we were told to stay away. The most recent word is that our basement, which houses our classroom, is a total loss as it was flooded to the ceiling. We are unsure of when we will be up and running again.

In the meantime, I'm bored. I was called this week to work at the check points in Cedar Rapids to help the flood victims contact FEMA and other Cedar Rapids services. Because there are so many county employees out of work, the shifts are limited to a few 6 hour shifts per week. Only time will tell when we can get back into business and continue to serve the youth of Cedar Rapids.

On another note, the Relay For Life this weekend was a huge success. Heather and the girls participated at the relay while I stayed home to wait for the outcome of the flood. Our team was the top money earners in Stephenson County Illinois netting over $17,000! The "Rally For Ally" shirts sold out immediately and are currently on back order. If you click on the link "Ally" on our list of friends, you can see a few photos from the relay on Ally's caringbridge website. Also take a look at the tough little 9 year old battling cancer. Round one of Chemo done and she's smiling like it was nothing. You Go Girl!

So, out of work and bored, that gives me plenty of time to do..............well............what the hell am I going to do?

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